Our angel gowns are offered free of charge to any facility, birthing center, funeral home, hospital in or outside of the United States. We only ask that the facility pay for shipping.
Our angel gowns are lovingly made by volunteers from donated wedding dresses.
Our gowns are available in both genders as well as gender neutral and in 5 sizes.
-Teeny Tiny (less than 1 lb.)
-Micro Preemie (approx. 1-2 lbs.)
-Small (approx. 2-3 lbs.)
-Medium (approx. 4-6 lbs.)
-Large (approx. 6-8 lbs.)
There is a wide variety of styles; no two are the same
The gowns are open in the back and secure via ribbon ties or Velcro
We also offer angel pouches for infants too tiny for a gown.
Those come in 4 sizes:
-4” square
-6" square
-8" square
-10" square
If you feel this service would benefit the grieving families you serve, please let us know your anticipated needs over the next 6 months (sizes, genders etc...). We'll send a package to you within 10 days and forward tracking information. Again, this service is completely free of charge! Our email address is EmmaAndEvanGowns@gmail.com
If this is not of interest or benefit to you, please feel free to share this within your network... We want to get the word out there.
We believe every child who leaves this earth should be clothed with dignity, respect and beauty. These gowns are likely the only clothing this child will ever wear; baptism/dedication, prom, wedding and funeral garments all in one very special angel gown.